Sunday, July 12, 2009



here's all you need for a successfull mission: 3 assholes! myself, l, and b.
so, there we are, in a local (what this place calls a mall) area with a few stores
and a coffee place, waiting for someone to meet us. the stores are all closing up, and
the coffee place is preparing for the same. with little else to do, the 3 of us
watched the coffee girl tidy up, turn things off and tie up the garbage, which she
then set in front of the store to be picked up by the (again, i don't wish to call it
a mall...)'s sanitation engineer who would later come around to collect from all the
establishment of this (seriously, it's a real shithole, and full of genetic blunders!).
anywho, we sat there and made fun of her for a while (assholes) until we noticed
that she had opened up a new garbage bag which she dumped all the leftover donuts in.
this, we had not considered. we had always assumed they were donated to the soup kitchen
or something. nope. they were tossed in the garbage. she set the new bag, all donuts,
right beside the garbage. we wondered, and i still do, why a new bag if they are to
be tossed in the garbage anyway? we still have no idea.
we then watched the santitation engineer pick up both bags and toss them in his rolly-bin
and add more from the place next to the coffee place. we did nothing but theorize.
whoever it was met us and we left. more theories. they led to nowhere. it still makes
no sense to me.

a few days later, we had run out of food. we exhausted every effort we could think of
to procure some food or lendings to help buy food while we waited out our own monies.
this is not a good circumstance at all. we recalled the coffee place new bag donut un-garbage.
a plan was born!

it had very few parameters, but we decided that it would be no fun to just walk in and wait
for the donuts to be bagged and walk out with them. nope. no dice! if we were going to pull off
this heist, it would have to be needlessly complicated! we went to a nearby dirt-volleyball
area and drew out our plan in the sand:

*3 assholes: sleeve, l, and b.
*all 3 of us assholes would enter the (awful place) seperately, at approximately 1 minute intervals, near closing time.
*l was to be first, as he needed to be furthest from the entrances/exits. he would head past
the coffee place and to the far corner to where the elevator was located. he would open the
elevator door and press the 2nd floor button. he would not ride, merely stand there holding
the elevator door open. waiting.
*sleeve would come in next and sit near the fountain, close to the coffee place, with good
view, appearing as though waiting to meet up with someone.
* next would come b. he would stand near one of the exits below the library (which was above on
the second floor), and appear to be using the payphone.
* next, we wait.
*when the coffee lady finished locking up, before the sanitation engineer showed up with his
collecting rolly-bin, sleeve would make his move.
*sleeve would then walk over passively and pick up the donut un-garbage, and casually walk it
to the far corner to the elevator, where l was standing. sleeve would hand the bag to l, and
turn around immediately and walk back to the exit he came in at.
* l would take the bag into the elevator and ride to the 2nd floor, where he would then
walk along the wall beside the library and around to the bridgelike area where he could
see b at the payphones, next to a different exit.
* l would drop the donut bag to b, and head to yet a different exit.
* b, of course would catch the bag, hang up the payphone reciever and walk the bag out the
exit he was next to the whole time.
* we all reconvene at our safety checkpoint nearby and bring the loot home.

and that is what we did. the whole plan went off without a hitch. we were sick of
donuts after the first few days, but we did not go hungry.
