Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bored at work/Happy new years

As some of you know, I have a condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, things make me crap here is a list

5. Cheap Pizza - I have recently found out that Greco Pizza gives me the runs. It's been in my fridge for about 2 days now and yet I keep eating it and it makes me shit. I decided a party pizza to myself at 3pm was a good idea.

4. Alpine Beer - My god, I cannot drink alpine. Well its shitty beer anyway but the worst is the bright yellow diarhea I get the morning after.

3. Nachos - For some reason my body turns nachos to hot tomato soup

2. The Baconator - Literally if I eat one of these it feels like Wolverine is giving me a massage, from the inside, in my colon.

1. Flax - Yes flax, that shitty grain that everyone drones on about being so healthy. I bought flaxseed oil one day and I had to call in sick from work. By dinner time I was pleading with the gods to stop it, actually trying to bargain with imaginary characters to stop my digestive tract from spilling out. I thought it was just the oil so I bought flax spaghetti, once again, up all night with the green apple splatters.

So there you go, something else thats.....well wrong.


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