Monday, January 12, 2009

I Can't Believe It's Not Javex! the drink that should have killed me...

by far, the most drunk i have ever been, and likely ever will be is
contained below. i may leave names of friends out completely, except
for linz, as i honestly cannot remember exactly who was with us.
i do know that it started with five of us. one of them was linz.

there is one friend in particular who will be referenced more than
the others as he was integral to my hideously awful attempt at being a person.
for the sake of anonymity, i will not use his real name, but what
we called him for the night, but abreviated: "PDA"
the "PD" stands for "Pimp Daddy", as he was fliffin'!

Me and linz were hanging out at a coffee house enjoying a hot cup
and conversation with a few others who frequented the place with us,
when the door bursts open. this grabs our attention as this is not how
one normally opens the door to the coffee place. it was early evening.
the whole place turns to see what's up. it is PDA. he begins pointing
at us, one by one, and stating loudly "YOU, YOU, YOU... YOU, AND YOU! LET'S

without knowing at all what is going on, but responding to his stern, we
leave our coffees at our table, and follow PDA out the door.
he leads us down the street, and around the corner, and we continue
down the next street.

linz: "what's up?"
me: "can you tell us while we walk?"

the five of us obey, as he seems to be serious. we hadn't seen him for a few months
as he was away for work, and we were not sure what he might have gotten
himself into. i just hoped he wasn't inciting a brawl. thankfully, it was not
a brawl at all, but a bar, that he was bringing us to. a rather empty bar, on
a monday night just past 7:00. We enter O'leary's pub, and he tells the bartender
he'll be right back, and leads us to the patio section, and instructs us to sit.
we do. he leaves frantically, and comes back a few minutes later with two pitchers
of beer. he tells us to leave them. we are confused, but we leave them alone.
the bartender comes a few minutes later with two more pitchers.
PDA insists we still not touch. ok. we don't. there is still no speaking.
we are all a little worried that something is wrong with him.
the bartender comes back again with two more pitchers and then again
with 6 glasses.
we wait.

we then pour beer and begin asking questions. he finally lets us in
on what is going on. He had gone away for three months to work in a remote
location where he told us the town slogan should be "A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHIN'!"
he was making a high wage to do this, but had nowhere to spend it, and now
he wanted to have some fun. we offered to chip in on the drinks, but he
insisted we accept whatever he spent on us as a gift. we drink.
his insisting became yelling "PAH!!" and pushing his hand into our faces for
the rest of the night if we did not accept his offer to pay for everything. he
was taking his friends out for drinks. his treat. that is that.
one of us: "well, we don't want you to spend your who..."
PDA: "PAH!!!"

PDA keeps checking his watch like he's waiting for the new year or something, but
it was summer, and nowhere close to midnight, so we knew it wasn't that.
we asked a few times, but he changed the subject, and told us to drink up.
we all drink and chat for almost an hour, when he finally tells us, again, "IT'S TIME!"
we ask him if his water broke, and other jokes, and he yells, "FINISH YER DAMN DRINKS! IT'S

we finish our pitchers as quickly as we can manage, and PDA runs off the patio and around the
corner, flailing his arms wildly.
we follow our manic friend to a place called "gargoyles". it is no longer a bar, thank fuck!
they had a drink special on mondays. we knew what was happening. sort of.

Ten cent draught: (because i can type it faster, i may begin to spell it "draft")
you get in a lineup and give the bartender 40 cents, and he serves you 4 single draft at once.
this goes on for an hour, and then raises to 50 cents, then up a quarter each hour after
that until it becomes full price, which was 1.75 for a single draft.
you will see this drink special on some later blogs when i remember what happened.

we all get into the lineup as we know the drill. we have done this many times.
PDA stands with us for a moment, then says "NO! WE ARE NOT DOING THIS! WE ARE GOING
and off he goes. we follow.

he brings us past the dancefloor and up the stairs to the other bar, where he goes
to the bartender and hands him a 10.
PDA: (introduces himself)"we are going to be your best customers tonight! please make
sure the bouncers take good care of us!"
bartender: "you got it! what are you having?"
PDA: "first, i'd like you to put that ten into your pocket!"
bartender: "thank you. what can i get you?"

PDA orders us a few rounds of bottled beer, and keeps looking down at the lineup
downstairs, occasionally saying things like "look at all those douchebags! we could
be THEM!"
normally, we ARE them. we take turns guarding the table, hitting the dancefloor
a bit, and coming back up. we are all very much sauced!
i am at somewhere around a full pitcher, and 3 or 4 bottled beer at this point.
PDA begins asking "WHO'S DOING A SHOT WITH ME?" everyone declines.
PDA insists "SOMEONE is doing a shot with me!"
me: "okay, i'll do it, but let me pay."
he runs up to the bar ahead of me and pre-pays for our shots while he
waits for me to shamble over.

i get to the bar and he exclaims "look at you. you're all repressed! GIVE THIS MAN
A BLOWJOB! i'll have one too!"
this drink, usually referred to as a girly shot, is bailey's irish cream and kahlua.
PDA and i are normally not shot people, so he was going easy on me.
PDA: "that was over too fast for something so delicious! two more, but make
them biglier!"
bartender: "okay. the full drink costs..."
PDA: "PAH!!!" (yes, he even started doing this to the bartender)

PDA had been tipping big all night, so he got away with being an ass.
we drank full glass blowjobs and got a beer to wash them down with.
he decided that i needed a bigger drink. i told him i didn't need any
more drinks, whatsoever.
PDA: "PAAAAAAHHHH!!! i'll find you a bigger one after a bit. enjoy your beer!"

i did enjoy my beer, and hit the dancefloor again, until my last couple drinks
kicked in a little better, and i started getting wobbly. i fell twice that i recall,
and bumped a few people, so i decided it was best to get back to our table.
i had a hard time up the stairs, so one of the bouncers helped me, and reminded me
where we were sitting. i suspect PDA tipped the bouncers at some point also. i should
have been led to an exit.
i get halfway to where our table is when i lose my equilibrium completely and fall onto
a neighboring table full of girls. i knocked over the table as well as all of their drinks,
landing in one of their laps. i think they would have been more mad about their drinks had
i not made them laugh when i started yelling "IT'S RAINING MEN!!!"
he did replace their drinks and the bouncer who helped me up the stairs came over to
see if the ladies were ok. they accepted the drinks, told the bouncer they were not mad
at us, and he (bouncer)told PDA that normally, he would kick a person out after that display.
PDA thanks him for letting me stay, and they shake hands.

i'm not sure if it was mine or not, but when i finally made it back to our table, i had a beer
that i started sipping on slowly. i was ashamed of myself, but drunk enough to forget that
very quickly. PDA keeps taking my beer from me to see if it's empty yet. he just takes it
out of my hand, holds it up to his face and puts it back. i knew what was going on. sort of.

we hobble back to the bar where there appears to be a lineup. they all move out of our way.
they had come to check out our antics. word was getting around that we were cracking up the
bartender and that PDA had been buying random people random shots all night. this did not
surprise me at all.

bartender: "back for that bigger drink?"
PDA: "yes! no more of that shittly littly glass!"
bartender: "how about this one?" (single draft glass)
PDA: "bigger."
bartender: "do you know how this is going to ..."
bartender: "this one?" (double draft glass)
PDA: "bigger."
bartender: "okay, but this is going to c...."
bartender: "....?"(big beer stein)
PDA: "....... not bad..... how about THAT ONE!" (he is pointing behind the bartender at a
shelf containing a giant plastic mcDonald's cup. the big ones that have hockey players on them

and shit like that, and you can collect them. they are HUGE!)
bartender: "... oh, no, that's not one of our cups. that's just leftover from one of our
bouncers' lunch this afternoon."
PDA: "we'll take it!"
bartender: "that could get really pricey, boys!"
bartender: "okay"

He washes the cup, and a crowd gathers to see what's going into this gigantic drink.
PDA says "i don't want ANYTHING in this cup that isn't booze!"
the bartender scoops ice into the cup.
bartender: "i have to charge more without the..."
bartender: "are you..."

so, the bartender pours ice out into the sink and sets the gigantic cup on the bar, and
motions for us to choose what we're putting into the thing...
our crowd gathers closer to see what our choices are.
PDA begins pointing randomly at bottles, and switching every so often.
our crowd would count along the shots.
i don't have any recollection what exactly was in this drink. i do recall
there being something like 12 shots of tequilla, and i know there were mint shnapps,
but the rest is a mystery. PDA demanded it be filled to the rim! it was. we could
not lift it off the bar without spilling it, so the first few sips had to be hovered.
PDA had one sip to see what it tasted like, and assured me that it was somehow delicious!
he also declined sharing any more of it with me as per this statement:
PDA: "i just want to taste it, and to have the satisfaction of having bought my friend
the most expensive drink anyone has ever had in this retched place!"

the drink was, to my surprise as well, in fact, delicious! the overwhelming tequilla
tremors were quickly covered up by the schnapps, and some sort of liquers that seemed
to be protecting me from instantly redecorating the bar with my stomach lining.
i remember the first few sips semi-vividly, then nothing.

everything further, up until the point of my somehow surviving, are recounted from others
that were there. i do not remember a single thing from here on, until the part where i
woke up. i truly believe i should not be alive. here's what i was told happened next:

apparently, i made several attempts at talking to other patrons at the bar, falling each time,
but not spilling a drop of my new best friend. i am told i guarded it like it was the holy

i cared less about bruising my ass, legs, whatever else.
people kept helping me up, but the bouncers carried me(literally) back to my seat.
they asked my friends to keep me at the table and to get me home safely soon.
i was then explained that i continuously slumped further in my chair as i made several
attempts at speaking to PDA. it is speculated that i was trying to thank him for the evening,
though i was not able to formulate any actual words. so, i grunted and gestured for a while
before giving up, at which point i made it back to the floor. well, half of me. i am told
that i managed to balance partly on my tilted chair, and partly propped on my elbow of my
non-drink hand while i finished the last drop, then tried to lick and suck more drops out of
the cup. yes, i was in fact, licking the cup at this point!

the bartender that had taken very good care of us all night came over to check on me, and
laughing anounced that they had written down the contents of our expeditious elixor, and

it only appropriate to let me name it. i, still unable to speak, and still licking at the
inside of the cup, did not respond. PDA announced that the drink is called "I CAN'T BELIEVE
and so it was. until the closing of Gargoyles two years later, above the bar were the
words "gargoyles' most expensive drink: I can't believe it's not javex - $54.50 per cup"
they put this dead center above all the other drinks. PDA was quite proud.

my friends trippled up to help carry a very floppy steve down the stairs and out the door
to a cab. it would seem that the cab driver would not take me home unless someone came with
me. none of friends believed they could manage alone, so PDA and linz took on the task of
propping me up between my screen door and the wooden door to my place, ringing the doorbell,
and fleeing before my now angry roomates open the door to my deadlike body crashing onto the
floor of our hallway. they carried me up the stairs and dragged me into my room.

the following, i remember. mostly.:
i woke up sometime in the early evening the nex day. at least, it might have been the next
day. i'm not entirely certain on that one. my nose was bleeding profusely, and i ruined
a blanket. my pillowcase was fine, as i hadn't made it that far. my torso, head, and one
arm were on the bed, the rest of me kneeling on the floor like i'm waiting for my beheading.
i felt the swell. not a good kind of swell either. the very bad kind. i made it as far as
my garbage can, about a foot from where i was kneeling and groped around for some plastic

grocery bags while i hurled most of my insides into the trash. i had just managed to tie
that bag up before starting on the second, which i almost filled. i grabbed a shirt, i think
it was a shirt, from my bedroom floor to clean off my puke laden face of its current

viscosity. deciding that the shirt was now ownership of the drink, i added it to the grocery

and tied it up. i could smell and taste nothing but this drink for roughly two weeks!
holy shit!

surprised to be alive,

Friday, January 9, 2009

Getting rid of the girl... another drunken tale...

So, a friend of mine brings me to Wal-Mart for some reason i don't recall,
as i'm hung over as all fuck. While i wait for him to find whatever it was
we were there for, i start looking at the discount shit-CDs for $5.99 to
see how funny the titles were. titles like "waves of beauty", "songs for your
sixties", and shit like that.
this goes on for a while. i make fun of a bunch, then i spot a quite
nice looking femployee bringing carts by where i was standing. she was
wearing very tight pants that complimented her hips and legs nicely.
i enjoyed her shape from what i could see. i had a feeling i'd like her
ass, and was determined to find out.
to do this at a better vantage point, i half knelt and pretended i was still
checking CDs so i could look her right in the ass as she passed.

turns out i was right and i got an eyeful of tight-panted-roasted-rump the
likes of which i liked. she had a ways to go til her destination and i would
have had this nice vision for a good 2 more minutes had she not turned around
and caught me looking. this story gets better, then worse. stay tuned.

so, i inform my friend of my crime and how i got caught. he makes fun of me
and we nickname her "sellsforless", and head to the liquor store. my drink
tally is somewhere around 7 beer from a 12er and leads us to heading to a bar
down the street called O'leary's. it was open mic night, and we signed up and play a few

songs. this gets us drink tickets, of which i ended up with two extra as the guys
playing the drums and bass with us were not drinking this particular evening.

i spotted sellsforless with a not too shabby blonde friend who another pal of
mine happened to know. i tell him the story, and he offers to bring them over
to "smooth it all out". He catches the blonde's attention and calls her over.
her friend came along, and we were introduced. before i could make any attempts
to save face, sellsforless, while shaking my hand, says "you were at wal-mart earlier!"
i said "yes. yes i was..." i waited for her to ask if i got a good look and give me
snarky looks. this did not happen. instead, she said "i'm sooo sorry if i bumped you
with the carts when i passed you! i was in such a hurry, and didn't think they would
hit you, but when i saw you looking at me, i knew i had to have! i felt sooooo bad!
i'm sorry!"

this, i was not expecting. it was like she was doing me a favor. i looked her in
the eyes, and said "don't be sorry. you didn't hit me at all. i was looking at your
ass! and a fine one it is!..." i waited for a slap, but did not recieve one. instead,
i got "oh, good! i was worried cause i thought you were cute and i looked back to
check you out, and when i saw you looking at me, i thought for sure i hit you!"
so, i reiterate, "nope! it was for the ass!"
we chatting until the bar closed, but this was not a good thing. she sucked at it!
our conversation couldn't have been less stimulating without introducing chloroform.
and i am rarely bored, especially when intoxicated...
but she still had that ass, so i continued flirting. i am a terrible human being.

I was living alone in a building where my landlord was louder and drunker than me, and
lived next door, so my place was the common after-party for my crew of mysanthropes, and
invited her back, as well as half the bar. (half the bar this evening means roughly 30
people, most of which i knew.)
i somehow got her to my room, where we get naked and have some fun. to my surprise, the
only interruption was her blonde friend, who now knows what i, and her friend, look like
this does not stop us. she tells blondie she's fine, and she'll tell her about it after.
this statement tells me i should not stop. her ass was as smooth as it looked in the
wal-mart tight pants, and she was just as tight where it counted, and a good kisser as well.
i has a fun night.

i run into blondie a couple days later, and she informs me that sellsforless had a great time,
and that EVERYTHING was to her specifications, and that she can't wait to see me again.
and yes, she did use those words, and she did emphasize EVERYTHING.
i did not particularly want this, as any of our conversation that wasn't flirting wasn't
very uninteresting. the phone calls start. i don't recall giving her my number, but i was
well seasoned, to say the least, and i don't even remember her leaving my place.

well, it turned out she was the relationship type, and was willing to sleep with me to
seal the deal of getting me to "go out" with her. i decided that the very worst thing
i could do was to tell her i wasn't interested in a relationship, but still try to sleep
with her some more. this is what i did. whenever she talked nice, i said something awful,
to make sure that she would be somewhat disgusted with me, but still want my cock.
this did not work. she wanted a relationship. i needed a plan.

a female friend of mine was in a similar situation. she took a guy home who now thought
he was in love with her, and wanted to date her, but she just wanted throw-away sex.
we exchanged stories, and came up with the best idea EVER! operation bird-rock!

we set up a night of partying, and if these two invite themselves along, we, even at the
risk of losing the sex, flirt with each other instead of them! we are very good friends, and
if it came down to touching or making out, so be it! this would deter them for sure, and
we kill two birds with one stone! end of problem, and we don't even have to actually say
"anyway, i find you dull!"
again, i am a terrible human being.

this worked like a charm for my female friend, but sellsforless didn't show up that night.
so, i had my problem for a while longer. until one night that i decided i'd take her up
on hanging out another time, and i hadn't had sex in a while, and told all of my friends
not to show up at my place this time because i'm "planning to be sexing, and won't be

my phone or door!"

sellsforless and i get some makeouts and groping in for a bit, when all of a sudden,
a good 40 people pile into not only my apartment, but half of them directly into my
bedroom, where we were in mid-grope. i let go of her tit, and start laughing.

me: "didn't i ask all of you to NOT come over tonight?!?..."
one of them: "yeah, but we brought beer!"
me: "i fucking love you guys! you know that, right?"

they hand both of us a beer, and we hang out for a bit, when another female
friend of mine comes to sit with me, and out of nowhere, (and it's not even
the birdrock friend, nor does she usually do this)starts feeling me up, and
kissing my neck, with sellsforless on the other side of me watching this. her
hand WAS on my right leg when my female pal starting running her hand up my
left leg. sellsforless takes her hand away, and finishes her beer as fast as
she can down it, and gets up to look for her coat. she said goodbye to me, but
i just kinda waved as i was enjoying my neck being licked. i never heard from
her again. once she left, my friend stopped licking my neck and took her hands
away from my crotch. i asked her what brought on the odd friskyness, and she
said "i didn't like that girl with you, so i wanted her to go away!"
i laughed very hard at this and let everyone in on the operative. the party
continued, without sex, but with good friends who are accepting of my horrible


Friday, January 2, 2009

Rob gets arrested, its about time

As any reader of this blog knows, I get really drunk all the time and most of those times bad/strange shit happens to me. Sometimes it involves really stupid shit that I could potentially get in alot of trouble for, this time I did.

The night started like any other that summer where I was broke by me and my friend Captain Liquor(CL) for short would scrounge up any money we could to get hammered. We managed to get quite a bit so we headed to the beer store and picked up a pack of cold shots each. If you don't know what a cold shot is, they are tiny beers that are super strong and I am convinced that they are forged by some sort of deity to teach drunks a lesson. We get 8 of them each and proceed to get hammered. After 5 or 6 of these things we are definetly feeling the effects of the booze and after 8 we figure its time to go into the bar.

At the bar we meet 3 very nice young ladies who have a couple of drinks with us. When I say a couple of drinks I really mean 3 or 4, I lost count somewhere. They decide they are going to drive us around and get us loaded. With me and CL thats a really, really stupid yet awesome idea. We are driving around town drinking this shitty homemade liquor I called swish(after the shitty homemade liquor from the TV series Trailer Park Boys). It tasted like pure hell but it was pretty awesome to drive into you. After an hour or so of doing this me and CL are completely drunk and feel its a good idea to go to their place and drink some more booze. They have booze, it's free....Rob likes.

After drinking more at their place and after me falling down a flight of stairs waking up the grandparents and taking a bottle of rum for my own purposes we go on our way to this little private airport. After prying open the door to the hangar we decided to see if the door to the airplane was open. I've never been in one of those little private planes and I can say they are friggin awesome. The guy had a cd player in the and leather seats and what not so me and CL did what we always do, ruin things for everyone. We kicked off all the dials on the plane and got the fuck out of there after drinking some more of course. Driving away from the airport was also beneficial, I got me a new solar light from a graveyard and also drained the lizard, yeah I'm a dick....why do you think this blog is called the Asshole gene.

So its almost 3 and I'm out of smokes so we go to the 7-Eleven equivalent in our town to buy smokes. I am fucked-in-half drunk at this point and am having a hard time keeping my balance standing there. I tried to put my PIN number in the the pad and failed, once, twice, five times. Eventually I think I got it right or fucked off, I can't remember. Got back in the car and theres all this food that CL and the girls took from there, friggin sweet munchies. We drove around drinking and eating munchies now, they were awesome. So finally I had enough of not having smokes so we went back to the store, they called the cops, we take off. Driving around some more the cops start following us big time so we get the girls to pull over and me and CL take the fuck off. He ran alot further than me and hid under a shed where he was attacked by a raccoon. Once I thought the coast was clear I ventured out and then the next thing I knew I was on the hood of the cop car in cuffs. The cops didn't really believe me that I was not involved in the theft at all and subsequently was charge for it. In the cop station he kept telling me I was high and wouldn't listen to me that I wasn't high, he was basically calling me a liar. I wasn't high, I was really really drunk. We were drinking for almost 12 hours at this point so obviously my eyes were red and I wasn't coherent. Rob got drunker than a cop has seen or could determine.

A few days later, me freaking out about getting charged with a bullshit offense, me and CL went back to that store and this is how I got off. CL(who is now possibly infected with rabies after his raccoon attack)told the manager and I shit you not:
CL: "yeah apparently I was in here wasted out of my head and I took a bunch of shit without paying, ummmm, I can pay for it now I just don't really remember"
Store Owner: "Oh that was you guys? Don't worry about it, we've all had those nights"
CL: "uhhh okay?"
So we left, charges were dropped and thus ended one of the shittiest times ever


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Captain Asshole: a true story...

I posted this story on my band's blog a while back. it belongs here as well.
The only thing false in this story is the girl's name. whenever it is brought up,
i pick one. last time i told this, she was "tammy". this time, "sherry":

somewhere shortly after highschool time, 2 friends
of mine (linz and mike)and myself were invited to a party we
didn't particularly wish to attend, but didn't want to offend
the person who invited us, so we got some beer and went.
there. the girl who invited us was the only person we knew, so
we stuck together near the most comfortable wall and kept to
ourselves. as we were digging into our beer, we witnessed an
obvious tart, who's name i don't recall at the moment, so for
the sake of the story, i'll call her "sherry", making her
rounds and introducing herself to everyone there. nothing
wrong with that. it was the way that the party was just in
the first half hour and she was so shittered that she was
having trouble walking, speaking, and keeping her cleaveage
and belly from flubbing out of her shirt and over her belt.
and mostly, it was the way she spoke. loudly, and as though
absolutely everything was utterly HILARIOUS!!! we knew she'd
make it to us sooner or later. she did.
she stumbled over to us, and hit us up clockwise:

tart: *drunken valley girl accent* "HAHAHAHA! I HAVEN'T MET
linz: "they call me lo-brow."
linz: *scowls at her, with one brow down*
tart: "......OH..........KAAAAAAAAAAAAAY......."

*goes to mike*
mike: "they call me kanga."

mike: "because that's my nickname."
tart: "...OH..........KAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.....I GUESS....."

*comes my way*
me: "they call me Captain Asshole!"

she didn't think it was as funny as we did. she gave a blank
look as linz and mike burst out laughing, and then she ran off
to tell everyone at the party how mean we were to her, and
we were asked to leave and not come back. we were ok with that. feel free to let us know what YOU think.
