Friday, February 13, 2009

the jiffy that took our damage deposit...

oh, jiffy. i love you!

this is late but who cares. it's still funny. i was reminded
of this when the boyer posted a thread about popcorn on
the forum. i think it's worth sharing. like
popcorn. let's all get greasy:

one new years eve, i bought jiffy pop to go along with with
my beer, wine, coolers, and vodka. jiffy pop is fun! so much
fun, that a peice of the wire that holds the foil on yer jiffy
musta come loose. we didn't notice this until we decided to
pop the stuff. figuring it would be more fun to jiffy while drunk,
we set our phasers on booze....then, it's time for jiffy.
soon, we find out what the problem is... little flaming jiffy
is shooting from the foil and landing in random places, such
as the counter, the curtains, the kitchen table, my sweater,
floor, etc.
drunk, stupid, and laughing uncontrollably, i kept jiffying.
more and more fireballs shoot out onto stuff until one of my
roomates comes home to see where we're going for bar drinks
later, grabs the jiffy from my hand (to get it off the burner, as
I'M STILL SHAKING IT!), throws it
near the sink, then drops to the floor laughing at all the little
balls of fire charring our kitchen.

lost: 1 curtain, 1 sweater, 1 tablecloth, damage deposit
gained: scorch marks on the counter, table, floor

well, the sweater isn't actually lost, but it does have a noticeable
jiffy corn burn in the front where one got stuck to the fleece. i still wear it.

i could have stopped all of this burning easily, but i was way too busy laughing.


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