Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sorry, rolo... sort of.

Dear Rolo:

i'm sorry. i was an accomplis (how the frig do you spell that?!)in the call
that was made to you a while back, asking the question that everyone wants an answer
to, but never calls you to ask.
it was me, celebrating my birthday every tuesday that year with a pint of vodka and
a liter of chocolate milk, and my friend, also celebrating my birthday within the same
parameters, who made that call.
we very drunkenly decided that our lives would be better if we found some rolos!
we did. and we bought some. and we were right! they were delicious! there's nothing
wrong with a rolo!
i noticed, and remarked that rolo had an information hotline "for any questions...".
my friend: "i have a question for 'em!"
me: "it's toll free"
my friend: "well, let's find a payphone!..."
so, we stagger from the abandoned old general hospital that used to be our drinking grounds,
and find a payphone a couple blocks away. my friend makes the call. it seems that "toll free"
still costs you a quarter on a payphone. here's what i hear:
my friend: ", this is some pretty good music!....ah, HI!.....uh huh....
...yeah! what's with them fuckin' Rolos anyway?!?....."
after a good laugh, we went on our way.
so, there you have it. i forgive you for so rudely hanging up on my friend, and
will continue to enjoy the chocolate and carmely goodness of your yummy candy.
no hard feelings.



  1. Classic!

    (and BTW it's accomplice)

  2. whoa! that's a pretty bad spelling mistake. thank you, mr. sean! i'll leave the mistake to keep your post valid. :)
